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Curriculum / PSHE
PSHE at Ward End allows all children

To achieve their very best.

Have an understanding of their Rights (linked to UNICEF work) and be a respected and valued part of the community.

To know how to keep safe in the real world and virtually and know where to turn and who to turn to for support.

To understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle including mental health.

To respect all members of the school and wider community.

To have an understanding of British Values and protective characteristics through age appropriate discussions throughout SCARF lessons.

At Ward End we follow SCARF (Corum Curriculum) lessons have been selected alongside year group leaders, SMT and parent working party.

The curriculum allows for a spiral approach where some issues/ topics are explored again in older year groups, during age appropriate lessons.

Lessons are linked and build upon other areas of learning for example- UNICEF, SMSC and RE.

SCARF Overview

Pupil Personal Development

PANTS Rule Guide

PSHE in Action


Pupil Development at Ward End

Progression- Nursery- Year 1

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