Headteacher’s Message
Welcome to Ward End Primary School.
We are an inclusive and vibrant 4 form entry school where the children are placed at the very heart of everything we do.
Ward End Primary is ‘Reading School’.
From the moment pupils arrive in school our dedicated staff team are developing a love of reading and reading for pleasure. Excellence in reading leads to success in every area of the curriculum.
A Reading culture means we are committed to an environment where Reading is championed, valued, respected and encouraged. Reading is at the heart of the curriculum and is of the utmost importance to a child’s development and their general wellbeing.
We are global citizens within a World Class School.
We have high standards of attendance and punctuality.
Family, community and character education are at the heart of all we do.
Our pupils are well prepared for Key Stage 3 and beyond.
We follow the National Curriculum, which is sequenced for cumulative knowledge, understanding and skills. We aim for our children to know and remember more by ensuring they complete the programmes of study, enabling them to reach Age Related Expectations. This will provide them with strong foundations for their secondary education.