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Headteacher’s Message

Welcome to Ward End Primary School.

We are an inclusive and vibrant 4 form entry school where the children are placed at the very heart of everything we do.

Ward End Primary is ‘Reading School’.

Our highest priority is making our children great readers. The curriculum is designed with Reading at it’s heart.

From the moment pupils arrive in school our dedicated staff team are developing a love of reading and reading for pleasure. Excellence in reading leads to success in every area of the curriculum.

A Reading culture means we are committed to an environment where Reading is championed, valued, respected and encouraged. Reading is at the heart of the curriculum and is of the utmost importance to a child’s development and their general wellbeing.

We are global citizens within a World Class School.

Through our engaging curriculum, we ensure children can foster a passion for learning and curiosity that will help them develop high aspiration. We develop global awareness through our well-designed curriculum and Reading opportunities, to broaden the pupil’s worldview and to close gaps in knowledge and skills. Please see our Knowledge Organisers on the curriculum tabs.

We have high standards of attendance and punctuality.

Understanding this is a life skill, we develop good, attendance for all, through our Connectedness and Belonging work. Developing ‘5 Foundations of effective attendance’ across the Primary Journey, pupils understand their part in Ward End’s learning community- growing together and sharing quality experiences. Well-designed trips, visits and visitors enhance the curriculum offer making Ward End Primary an exciting place to learn where daily attendance is valued as a high priority.

Family, community and character education are at the heart of all we do.

The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and for the future. We have an unerring focus on developing pupils through our PSHE curriculum SCARF – see separate website page. The school has a dedicated team that works hard to reach high standards and this is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents, the local community and the other local schools.

Our pupils are well prepared for Key Stage 3 and beyond.



We follow the National Curriculum, which is sequenced for cumulative knowledge, understanding and skills. We aim for our children to know and remember more by ensuring they complete the programmes of study, enabling them to reach Age Related Expectations. This will provide them with strong foundations for their secondary education.

Our curriculum aims to mitigate social disadvantage including children with SEND, delivered with a high focus on personal and social education. Our aim is that when our children reach the end of their primary school journey, they can leave with a lifetime of wonderful memories.
We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and regard you as an active partner in your child’s education, wholeheartedly valuing your interest and support. Please read more in the following website pages.

We apologise that our website is being updated this week - Please bear with us as we change to a new format.  If you require any information which is not available, please contact the school office on

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused